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Showing posts with the label BusinessOpportunities

Is Low-Code the Future of Software Development

What is Low-Code A development approach using graphical user interface extensively instead of using complex coding approach and standards. Users can design and develop new Apps with no advanced knowledge of any coding. Low-Code is a new approach to software development that allows developers to write in a visual language and create functional applications without the need to code. It is a disruptive technology that will transform software development and business at large. Low-Code is a visual programming language that enables rapid application development. Low-Code is a cost-effective way to build software, yet it offers all the advantages of traditional software development. Low-Code is a way to democratize software development and offer it to the masses. Is Low-Code the Future of Software Development ? There is a lot of buzz around low-code in software development circles today. The term is often associated with the rise of rapid applications

How to make million dollars with low-code/no-code app development training academy

Low-Code app development is an exciting technology that is ushering a new paradigm of app development. This blog post looks at how low-code platforms provide a training opportunity to create a trainer army. Low-code platforms allow companies to reach some of the largest untapped markets, where there are millions of learners. The low-code market is continuing to grow and is already worth more than $3 billion. As the market continues to grow, so does the opportunity for developers, trainers, and companies. Training opportunities are endless in the untapped market of the low-code platforms. Unlike any other leading coding platform, no-code requires thousands of trainers to design and define the learning patterns for 100s of leading low-code platforms. Training opportunities in low-code/no-code app development How to become a leading low-code/no-code trainer? How to become a trainer, what the training process is like? Promotional strategies for low-code/no-code platfo

What Is a Citizen Developer and Why Companies Need Them

Citizen developer or citizen development platform is a term that is often misunderstood in the world of software development. This blog will cover the basic difference between professional and citizen developers' responsibilities. We'll also discuss some of the core responsibilities that citizen developers may have to help build the software. Let's understand in detail what is citizen developers how this is changing the dynamics of IT development. What is a citizen developer? Difference between professional and citizen developers Why do companies need citizen developers? How can you become a citizen developer? What is citizen development? Conclusion What is a citizen developer? The term 'citizen developer' is not a new term, but it has taken on a new role in the last few decades. When Citizen Development first started, it was a process that allowed anyone in the world to contribute to open-source software. Now, the term has a diffe