What is ClaySys AppForms
ClaySys AppForms is a leading platform for creating low-code applications. Users may customize the forms by adding workflow and rules logic, adding data sources to read and write data to the back end, adding a security layer, building reports, passing information across forms, and much more. All of these tasks can be completed with ClaySys AppForms' browser-based designer. Users, especially non-developers, will be able to create electronic forms and applications faster than ever before using this platform. They may link to several data sources, including SharePoint, MS SQL, Web Services, WCF, Web Requests, Restful Services, and several additional backends. The older databases can include in this. In terms of authentication, ClaySys AppForms supports both Windows and SQL Membership as options for setting up separate authentication for any web application or form experience produced with enterprise AppForms.
SharePoint AppsForms: SharePoint AppForms is ...
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