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What is airSlate airSlate is a software-as-a-service platform for automating business workflows without writing coding. With its intuitively easy drag-and-drop features, users may develop and create automated processes for contract negotiations, quoting and invoicing, customer surveys, employee onboarding, and a range of other business activities. airSlate Academy is a hold program from airSlate that seeks to make BPM more approachable, easy, and relatable to everyone. The Academy provides free online certification classes that users/students may plan according to their needs. Automation bots, digital security, digital compliance other modern challenges in document process automation and business process management are in AirSlate Academy's courses. The airSlate Academy accreditation might help you start or build a tech-advanced firm, or operate in the corporate digitalization industry. Products from airSlate Flow Creator: The easy drag-and-drop interface of Flow Creator

Mendix Competitors & Alternatives

🏆 Top 10 Mendix Competitors & Alternatives Take a look at the options below. You may want to compare Mendix to the competition using various aspects, as well as read reviews from users, compare on options like platform features, offering, pricing model, in areas such as Industry Solution and Business Domain, to pick the best low-code/no-code platform for your company. Mendix Competitors & Alternatives For Category " Application Builder " content Design your first low-code/no-code website or online strone today with readymade templates


What is DronaHQ Deltecs InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai, India, created DronaHQ, a low-code app development platform that facilitates the production of internal tools and business apps. The platform enables multi-experience output with visual builders, online databases, code editors, prebuilt templates, flexible workflows and automation builders, ready connections, analytics, and more. It allows product managers, IT teams, application leaders, and citizen developers to construct data-driven apps. A new Workflow builder has been made available by DronaHQ. Products from DronaHQ Approval Queue: Users may use this app to track clearance requests across numerous channels and view them all in one place. It links to custom databases and different APIs, and an omnichannel request queue can be set up. Inspection Work Order: An app that allows members of the inspection and audit teams to do comprehensive risk assessments across all criteria. The software features daily work order dispatch, m

How to Choose the Right Low-Code App Development Platform

Know your purpose of selecting low-code app development platform Before starting an evaluation exercise to select the right low-code app development platform, we should know what end result is planned to achieve. If you are a citizen developer then the immediate focus is how easy is the user interface, how quickly I can scale my solution, will the new platform reduce my dependency on IT. Similarly, if you are a start-up, your focus is more towards technical and product requirements whether your solution is adaptable in the market or can you integrate with enterprise applications like ERP and CRM. is there a product road map defined by the platform owner so you would know what solutions look like to meet the competitions. So define your purpose and select the right parameter to compare and pick the app development platform. Use our 5 steps DIY process to select and evaluate leading no-code/low-code platforms in the market. "how to choose the right low-code ap


What is Knack Knack is a web-based database management platform that enables businesses to create online databases that can view from anywhere. An application builder, customization tools, reporting and analytics, an open API, and payment processing are all important aspects. Knack allows users to create their workflow solutions or use the software's customizable templates. It includes a customer portal, a job portal, an inventory manager, a donations manager, a customer relationship manager, a project manager, an events calendar, a job listing, and a product catalog, among other templates. Forms, maps, tables, e-commerce capabilities, calendars, and searches can all add to a user's portal. Platforms by Knack Product Workflow & Automation: Knack assists in the real-time and fully automated centralization of workflows and processes. Knack has simple workflow capabilities that allow you to link your database with how your business operates. It offers a variety of too


#Tally Tally is a new sort of form builder that functions similarly to a document. It simplifies form creation and provides a wealth of useful features for no cost. ------->> To read more please click on


#Instadeq Instadeq is a premier no-code data analytics and visualization web solution that is available as a SaaS, in-house, or managed platform. ------->> To read more please click on